190803 ( Log table ) 2019-08

  • Short: -


  1. 2019-08: Section.
  2. 2019-08-03: Section.
  3. 2019-08-04: Section.


{ 圍棋人科技股份有限公司 }-{ Goer }
{ Sass }
{ Vue }
  1. By time:
    1. 190803:
      1. Talking with woody about { lahSale } new requirement: And solve my installation problem, since it have been long time I havn't touch the code base.


{ 圍棋人科技股份有限公司 }-{ Goer }
{ lahSale }
{ git }
  1. 台客劇場 - 雜貨店一日老闆體驗!不賺錢還存在的原因?
  2. ( CSS ) Kevin Powell - 5 CSS mistakes that I see way too often: Link. Organizing your css to make it more readable.
  3. By time:
    1. 09:00 Wake up.
    2. 09:?? Dealing with { git }: Can't clone a private repo from Woody.
    3. 10:15 Uploading blog.
    4. 10:35 git clone Woody's repo: Success finally.
    5. 11:00 Talk with Woody about { lahSale }: Understanding where I can help to update the interface, according to some changes in the last month.
    6. 12:00 Misc for Goer project.
    7. 12:20 Watching video.
    8. 12:36 Take a nap.
    9. 13:10 Watching video about CSS tips.
    10. 13:30 Watching video.
    11. 13:40 Working on Goer project.
    12. 18:30 Finished a component.
    13. 18:31 Grocery, misc, cooking.
    14. 19:45 Eating, muse, watching video.
    15. 21:35 Working on Goer project.
    16. 23:20 Complete the task.
    17. 23:30 Sleep.


{ git }
  1. ( Git) How to avoid typing username & password when using HTTPS Authentication: Link. Related to credential.helper.
  2. ( Git) Push (in https) results in "Authentication Failed:
    1. Push (in https) results in "Authentication Failed: Link.
    2. Two-factor authentication: If you enabled two-factor authentication in your Github account you won't be able to push via HTTPS using your accounts password. Instead you need to generate and use a personal access token, and clone and push like this: git clone 'https://treegb:myVeryLongPersonalAccessToken@github.com/fooUser/fooProject.git'. If you don't put the :myVeryLongPersonalAccessToken there, it willl prompt you later.
    3. { credential.helper store }: This is related to git config --global credential.helper store and ~/.git-credentials (see git help -a | grep 'credential', and git help credential-store). // If you newlly installed git, then you set git config --global credential.helper cache, the first time you tried to clone with git clone 'https://@github.com/fooUser/fooProject.git', it will prompt you to enter your user name and password (credentials), those credentials will last only 5 minutes before you have to retype them. // If you newlly installed ... git config --global credential.helper store ... will last forever and it will store it under ~/.git-credentials in default, if you didn't specify the path.
    4. git using wrong credential when pushing: Ok, now I have git config --global credential.helper store set, and my ~/.git-credentials have 2 credentials inside (2 user acount, 2 password). Now when I push, for some unknown reason git pick the wrong one, causing error thrown on cmd. // To solve this issue, you do this: explicit add the correct user name at the front of url, like this: git remote remove origin, git remote add origin https://treegb:myVeryLongPersonalAccessToken@github.com/fooUser/fooProject.git'. Now you use git push origin, the credential will forced to use treegb (and the password stored in ~/.git-credentials). // For hexo, you have to write it under _config.yml ,, deploy ,, repo.
  3. By time:
    1. 07:45 Wake up.
    2. 07:50 Uploading blog.
    3. 07:55 Bathroom.
    4. 08:10 Solving hexo ,, can't deploy promblem: I think it is due to git ,, credential problem as same as yesterday.
    5. ??:?? Found the promblem comes from git using another user name I don't want.
    6. ??:?? Dealing with uninstalling (purge) { git }.
    7. ??:?? Found the problem comes from credential: Related to git config --global credential.helper store and ~/.git-credentials (see git help -a | grep 'credential', and git help credential-store). So purge (frech uninstall) git (and any other attemps I tried) wont' automatically remove ~/.git-credentials, it need to remove manually (empty it's content).
    8. ??:?? Install { vscode } on my Debian: By simply donload the .deb file and install it with sudo apt install ./downloadedFile.deb.
    9. 12:00 Understanding { vscode }.


{ Corenet }
{ LoveAndHappiness }
{ lahSale }
  1. By time:
    1. ?? Wake up.
    2. ?? Go exercising.
    3. ?? Uploading blog.
    4. ?? Cooking.
    5. ?? Eating.
  2. : Link.